Have you ever looked into that dusty old tab on the games workshop website? Perhaps you didn't even know it was there?
Well... You're in for a treat today as we delve into a realm of dragons, elves and hairy footed, small folk, who live in the ground.
We all know it and 99% of us love it. J.R.R Tolkien's universe is one of the most famous in existence. The mere setting alone should be more than enough to peak your interest in this game.
Since 8th edition 40k or the creation of the AOS rules, we all know how accessible most GW games are becoming and in my opinion, Middle Earth is no exception. Due to the smaller model count, there is far less to remember in this game so getting caught up in rules debates should not be much of an issue.
Likewise, building an army is simple! Because of the lower model count, you can pick up a basic start for most armies in just one or two kits! Want to play dwarves? Pick up some warriors and Kazad Guard and you're good to go!
This might just be from personal experience, but I would argue that I have never experienced more drama and tension when throwing dice in this game. It feels like EVERY SINGLE dice throw could be make or break and seeing the most important member of your warband in mortal danger.
Again, the smaller model count really lends itself to this and seeing even one of your army die can swing the tide of battle in ways you wouldn't believe!
I know that in my experience, Ive never found it so easy to create memorable and engaging backstories for each model, meaning when they will and enemy (or are killed themselves) the outcome is just that little bit more satisfying! Seeing your elf warrior who has overcome the troubles of his past to take the final wound from an attacking cave troll is all too satisfying!
This has only risen more so since the introduction of the skirmish version of the game, Battle Companies! Meaning the nail biting drama can keep on coming!
Because of a smaller player base, the community surround this game are REALLY passionate and welcoming of new players. If you ever want to know which models to add to your warband next or how a certain rule works, communities such as The Great British Hobbit League are always on hand to help!
Likewise, the community are always eager to put on events and tournaments and gaming days are found all across the country so there's always something coming up!
So there you have it! If you're thinking about trying something new for 2019, give Middle Earth a try! You won't regret it!