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Taking a wargaming hiatus

As some of you may or may not have noticed, things have been a little quiet around here recently. In all honesty, I fell out of love with the hobby. After a solid 2 years investing a few hours into it every day, things had just gotten a little too much. Everything felt tedious, I wasn't enjoying my painting, wasn't prepared to play games and most importantly, wasn't feeling inspired to create.

I'm not sure what caused this, perhaps it was the last event that I went to being a little too overkill for me, but perhaps it was just time for a natural break. That's what we are writing about today, why it's okay to take a break and how they can lead to new and exciting things.

I still love warhammer. I really do. Everything about the hobby still brings me an immense amount of joy, however when it comes to actually putting in the hours, the enthusiasm hasn't been there recently. Instead, my attention has shifted. Some of you may love it, some may hate it, but Magic: The Gathering has taken the new prime spot in my hobby spectrum at the moment.

This doesn't mean I have given up on warhammer, I have just recently joined a lovely gaming group, we meet up regularly and in all honesty, over the past month, throwing some wacky spells at one another has made some of the best memories I have had in a while. They are supportive, encouraging and essentially everything I was looking for in wargaming, but never quite found.

It is insane how much of a difference a good playgroup can make to your hobby enjoyment. For the first time in any hobby, I feel a part of something bigger than myself. That's why I have decided to expand The Weekend Wars out. No longer will we just be solely focused on wargaming. Instead it will be all things within the fantasy/sci-fi genres. Whether that be 40k, AOS, Magic or even just some Lord Of The Rings humour. A wider spectrum means more content, which means an ever expanding scope of hobby tips, blogs, videos, livestreams and giveaways for you all to get involved with!

This feels like a natural step for us. We started The Weekend Wars to share the hobby parts of our lives, this is just the next chapter. Don't think that we won't be posting 40k content, we will. However, expect a FAR wider variety from now on. Some of it you will like, some you won't and that's okay. The main point is that you will be able to pick and choose your content accordingly. The most important thing is that we are a caring community who can all bond over something we love.

Thank you for your continued support.


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